About Me

I’m a recent graduate from MIT with a Master of Science in Transportation and a Master in City Planning who is passionate about helping create a future of sustainable urban passenger transportation systems. I’m currently looking for opportunities in one of the following areas:
- New technologies/apps that provide/encourage non-SOV options
- Open-source tools to enable citizens and advocacy groups to more fully participate in transportation planning/decision-making
- Planning to reduce GHG from transportation at a city/state level with a focus on knowledge transfer to other regions
- Planning for autonomous vehicles

You can see my experience on my LinkedIn profile

Bikeways for Everybody

While I interned at the Boston Cyclists Union, I developed an online map on which cyclists can draw routes and place markers where they think infrastructure should be improved. Analysis then showed where demand for better infrastructure is greatest. The code is freely available here.

Internship in Rio de Janeiro

I spent the summer of 2015 on a MIT MISTI-funded internship at the Freight Transportation Lab (LTC) at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Here is a blog containing a sample of some maps and some tutorials I worked on while I was there for 3.5 months.

MIT Master's Thesis

During my 3 years at MIT, I did research with the MIT Transit Lab. I helped adapt an algorithm to determine how individual customers use the MBTA based on their fare data. From a month of this data I compared differences in commute travel times. You can download a pdf here.